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Sunday, April 1, 2012

It's 1940 Again.

Along with all of the other genealogists, I'm getting ready for the release of the 1940 United States Census records on Monday, April 2. It's definitely the greatest event since I began my research just over a year ago, but the release of the national census records with the current advancements of the internet has to rate among the greatest single events in American genealogy ever. The records will, for the first time, be released as free digital images.  It doesn't hurt that there will be even more information that will be provided that was not placed on previous census collections.

1940 Census to be released April 2, 2012

By law, American census records are released no sooner than 72 years following the year of record. The 1940 US Census Community project was started to begin a collaborated effort to index the national records of the 132 million people in America in 1940. Genealogy groups and individuals are joining with organizations in a systematic approach to make this process as precise as possible. 

For those of us who are going to jump into the data records for the first time, it's a learning experience. I've been through the easier processes of hunting through older census records after indexing and have had the great success and frustrations as everyone else. Fortunately, others have passed through those roads before me and relieved me of some of the searching. As we approach this momentous occasion, I thought I would share with you a quick tip or two to help get you started looking into the records if you haven't figured it out yourself. Neither of my parents will show up in this census, but their families will.  Finding them in the records comes down to knowing in what Enumeration District they lived - and then do a little strolling.

First, jump to the National Archives web page for the 1940 census records. It provides plentiful information on how to read the enumeration districts and to identify information about the families.  They have a whole page that describes how to look up enumeration district maps, what family information to collect to begin your search, and to find links to other sites.  One of those sites is one of the best finds, especially if you've already been digging through the 1930 records.

One very useful site can be found at  This 1940 Census Enumeration District (ED)Finder can be used to locate the correct ED for your target. Once you arrive to a particular city, it will provide information for each enumeration district in the area. You can even identify streets within the ED.  The more detail you can provide it, the better.  If you're not aware of this information but have the ED for the family from the 1930 census record, it will place you in the correct ED for the 1940 census.  Are they still there?  That's your job to figure out.

The various genealogy websites and organizations can lend many more directions for those particular sites. provides a support page to help train you for searching the census records.

This will be fun!  The 1940 census will bring us new sources of information and may even help unravel a mystery or two.  Based on all we can uncover from census records of the past, there is a proven treasure trove awaiting.

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